Hey! Hey! It's Donna Hay!
Below, the infamous grazing platter compartmentalized:

On Labor Day we all met up at Foreign Correspondent D's place for the American version of the Donna Hay party. Apparently these parties are quite popular in Australia and are now just hitting our shores. For those of you who have never heard of Donna Hay, she is an Australian food editor whose cookbooks are filled with pictures of yummy looking food in lots of white dishes in modern minimalist settings.
We were greeted by the most beautiful grazing platter. I arrived a bit late to the party because I was watching the S. Williams/Mauresmo match which didn't end until after 6 so I had really bad positioning at the table when the platter was set down. Not only that but I had a pisser migraine and was not moving very fast that night so I didn't get to inhale the bits on the platter like everyone else. C'est la guerre!
After the grazing platter, FCD brought out some Sticky Chicken and a sweet potato/leek frittata. Yours truly made a spinach salad with warm garlic dressing (and capers, sundried tomatoes, olives, fresh thyme, and lemon juice). While Vivacious Gourmet E was performing accupressure on my hand (I was really sick Dear Reader) FCD served a wonderful Trifle. She kept the banana toffee pie in the kitchen claiming that people would be too full to eat it. Yeah, we know the story D.
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