Bon Vivant's written and pictorial diary of her culinary adventures that will amuse and excite your virtual taste buds...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Culinary Quiz of the Day

If you could invite a person who is no longer living to dinner 1. Who would that person be? 2. What would you serve?

My answer: Orson Welles. Since he loved life and food I would serve a red wine friendly dinner. I would start off with a Pasta Puttanesca with either linguine or penne and then for secondi I would serve a bone-in ribeye steak with some sauteed spinach or rapini on the side. For dessert I would do a coffee granita with Amaretto whipped cream.

Watch for my recipe for Puttanesca sauce in an upcoming entry (keeps you reading!)


Blogger Bon Vivant said...

What would Villian Villon think of our 21st century food?

What would we think of 15th century food?(maybe if we were in France it would help.)

10:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would invite Grace Patricia Grimaldi, a.k.a Princess Grace of Monaco. I would ask her what it was like living in what is basically The Riviera, and how she coped with such a huge change. She never learnt to speak French, icidentally! What food did she miss from Philadelphia,and what French food did she develop a passion for. She regularly made breakfast scrapple, I hear, for her visiting American friends. And of course, like everyone else, I would worship her too! My favourite image of Grace is one of her attending a very stiff and formal gala, and she is clutching an ice cream cone in her one hand! Priceless.

10:31 AM


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